Humpback whale in the Red Sea

30 exciting seconds.

November 11, 2022 at 10∶48 am.

It was almost midday, halfway between Brayka Bay and Aurora Bay in the Red Sea.
Rita was snorkeling at the edge of the reef and I was within sight out at sea.

The visibility was about 50 meters.
Sometimes dolphins or tuna pass by out there.
It would be nice to see a whale shark or a manta ray.

Suddenly he was there. No whale shark but a humpback whale.
Also not bad.

He had just breathed and was diving down.
Now quickly switch on the Gopro, it was asleep again.
While the Gopro was waking up, I was able to dive down.

At a depth of 10 meters, the camera was awake.

A humpback whale weighing several tons swam past me at eye level.
It felt good.

Any attempt to follow the whale was pointless.
Almost 8 meters long, like a bus, and the tail fin almost 2 meters wide.
It hardly moved at all and was still incredibly fast.

It was an unforgettable experience.